Micro Finance & Deprived Sector Lending

To facilitate the improvement of livelihood of the economically disadvantaged groups, including destitute, women, Dalits, indigenous nationalities, conflict victims, people living with disabilities, members of the injured and martyrs' families, and youth and the groups with traditional skills by enhancing their income generation by providing the collateral loans to run commercial farming, agro-based industry or service-oriented self-employment program. Small sized loan, group based lending, group savings, small-scale entrepreneurs, diversified utilization, quick repayment, close monitoring and simple terms/conditions on credit (with/without collateral) are the some of the determining characteristics of deprived sector lending.

Type of Loan

Term Loan or Working capital loan – Overdraft/Demand Loan   


Loan Amount

Borrower as:

Minimum Loan Amount

Maximum Loan Amount




  • However, the financing under group guarantee to restricted up to 200,0000
  • The bank shall provide the loan limit up to 70% of fair market value of real estate collateral.
  • Categorization of such loans in to Deprived/Productive Sector shall be in accordance with the NRB Directives issued from time to time.


  • The maximum tenure for the term loan shall be 5 years including 12 months moratorium period from the date of disbursement.
  • The maximum tenure for the working capital loan shall be 1 year from the date of disbursement.

Rate and Fee

  • Interest Rate (Base rate + Premium) as decided by the Bank from time to time
  • Processing Fee As per STC.

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