QR Code

QR code (Quick Response) is a black and white dotted digital image which holds certain information on it, which can be scanned from the camera of a smartphone. Lumbini Bikas Bank has introduced QR payment technology through Mobile banking channel (Lumbini Smart). Customer can make payments through mobile simply by scanning QR code at the merchant.

Customer opens bank's Mobile Banking application. Without login into the application, Customer Scrolls on right side of the landing page. The "Scan to Pay on Merchant Outlets" screen appears which is used to scan the QR code displayed on the merchant side.

Also, by login into the Mobile banking application, Customer can scan or Share QR Code  option which leads to  Scan  on Merchant Outlets. The QR Code which customer scans comes into 2 ways; either through the physical QR code standee that is placed in the merchant side or through Merchant Mobile apps which merchant generates QR code in their mobile.

We offer FonePay QR and NepalPay QR services – both issuance and acquiring.


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